Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Terms for flashcards about George Washington

  • Cabinet—President’s advisers and department heads; part of Unwritten Constitution
  • Whiskey Rebellion—after fed. govt. taxed whiskey, people protested violently; Washington used military to enforce law
  • Farewell Address—Washington’s last speech as President; argued for neutrality/isolationism in foreign wars
  • alliance—agreement between countries to defend each other in time of war
  • neutrality—not taking sides in war (like isolationism—staying out of other countries’ business)
  • supremacy—having most power (U.S. Constitution’s “supremacy clause” says fed. govt is supreme over state govts.)
  • Federalist Party—political party that supported Hamilton’s financial plan and believed in loose constructionism (elastic clause gives Congress more flexibility to act)
  • Republican Party—political party that opposed Hamilton’s financial plan and believed in strict constructionism (Congress can’t do anything not specifically noted in Constitution)
  • Hamilton’s financial plan—set of proposals Hamilton made to strengthen U.S. govt.’s finances
  • national bank—part of Hamilton’s financial plan; strengthens U.S. finances